Friday, March 5, 2010


Guys always look for pretty, sexy girls during they walk on the street. They love discuss about GILRS.

Ugly, Fat, thin, sexy, pretty, high-class, low class and whatsoever~

Today we discuss about GIRLS!

Yes, Cempaka Girls!

We meet a new friend and he wanna know some "pretty girls" that is from cempaka.

Hmmm, We give him some example.

But, he don't really agree it. So too bad. Our taste is different.

Pretty girls always easy to get a bad name "Bitch"

Because those normal girls always jealous those "bitches" that have prettty face and sexy body.

But, seriously... They get a name bitchy is because Their ATTITUDE too.

There is 0.1 % pretty girls that Wont showing off their body and those "high-class" attitude.

Nah, If I don't know you.. Maybe I won't judge you {if you taking those bitchy photo that is different }

But if I know you and you are bitchy, Don't deny that.

Pretty girls easy to become bitchy because they have the qualify there.. THEY HAVE THE RIGHT.

So ATTITUDE always the important one!

Of course, most of the boys don't care about Attitude, they just need your pretty face..

This cases always happen.

So sometimes I need to said BOYS SUCKS..

But not everyone la.. At least my friends NOT that Obvious XD

Anyway, Someone pretty or not, depend on yourself..

Different people have different suggestion.

But I have to said, All my friends are pretty because they have a good attitude :)

at least, I can accept it.


Sexy + Pretty
I agree her!

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