Saturday, April 24, 2010

Getting tired

Yea, My uni's life start on next Monday.

I was quite upset about my classmate?

They are just not that active.

Never mind, Still got Pei Ying with me. Lucky.

My friend, How are you?

I'm writing this for you.

Don't be upset anymore.

You still have life and family + friends right.

Like I told you before.

Love is just a part of our life.

"That's life" I always said that :D

Hanging on is not the hardest part but is giving up.

I know you won't do that.

Come on, Cheer up!

Even my self, also need to cheer up.

Getting Emo nowadays.


I'm just getting tired of life.

Today what the lecture told us is like.. STRESSFUL.


Feel Like screaming  right now!

I cant release stress!!

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 不知不觉已经来到年尾了。我想记录一下我九月发生的事情  一直以来我都很庆幸我没有进医院的记录。可是不懂你们信不信,我在今年有种感觉,好像这个记录要破了。当然只是随便想一想。可是真的在九月来了。我的脑出血导致头疼和进医院。 一开始只是头疼,可是开始呕吐和持续的头痛。症状:躺着不疼...