Monday, April 19, 2010


If you said Fate are control by human.

Show me!

Prove it!

How we control it?

teach me!

Tell me!


Is not that I don't want to.. Is just that I still don't have the right.

I don't want to screw up our friendship just because of Love.

I'm scare of it.

I've no trust on it.

This world is reality enough.

Is not that I don't want to try.

Is not that I'm giving my self excuse.

Is just that I'm not yet recover.

Please release me. 

I'm dream about him twice already.

And I confirm my self that I don't love him anymore.

Memory Kills Me.

When I can get out from this?

One year already. When I can release my self?

feeling comes and goes..

Happy then fine.

But please.. Don't ever tell me.. 

Love is everything.

We know It;s not!

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 不知不觉已经来到年尾了。我想记录一下我九月发生的事情  一直以来我都很庆幸我没有进医院的记录。可是不懂你们信不信,我在今年有种感觉,好像这个记录要破了。当然只是随便想一想。可是真的在九月来了。我的脑出血导致头疼和进医院。 一开始只是头疼,可是开始呕吐和持续的头痛。症状:躺着不疼...