So anything happened recently? Let me think...... I'm good to go. Just exam made me crazy but I always know I'm going to do this. Because Owen Yap ( 叶剑锋 ) said : “如果已经决定出发,就不要把生命浪费在犹豫上。如果真的决定要开始一件事,就让自己开始。所有的成就,都源于一个勇敢的开始。”
我读书不强,不厉害,可是我还是很努力的从nottingham 毕业了。并不代表我厉害, 只是我死死都要毕业。我读书是有re-seat 从考的。没有高分过。可是我的成绩也不是在最低的那一批, 因为还是要少少面子所以很努力努力的读和背。
I'm so happy that I passed my CFM paper and I decide to continue to take my Company Secretaryship for this coming December and it drop on 8th of December. Need to start pushing again.
I'm not sure whether I did gained my weight or because of my period.
I just want to record that now I'm 57kg. Oh my god! I increased 2 kg.....
I'm going to make sure I will drop to 54 kg by end of this month.
This is my target!