Wednesday, May 23, 2012

what if?

Thanks for the people who decide to leaving you,

Because of them, You learn to be strong.

even stronger.

The tears you dropped, is the evidence for you TO  must be get up as soon as possible.

I'm emo tonight. Ever since he leave me, I feel that some part of me has gone.

I'm not sad because he has gone.

I'm sad because never knew to protect myself.

and Now, the most deep inside of me bleeding.

I've learn that never ever put someone too important.

I always thought Mr B is the most painful one.

and Now come MR M.

You make me don't even dare to stay at home alone before this.

I'm gonna face it and you gonna get lost !

Hey, I'm enough for this alright?

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 不知不觉已经来到年尾了。我想记录一下我九月发生的事情  一直以来我都很庆幸我没有进医院的记录。可是不懂你们信不信,我在今年有种感觉,好像这个记录要破了。当然只是随便想一想。可是真的在九月来了。我的脑出血导致头疼和进医院。 一开始只是头疼,可是开始呕吐和持续的头痛。症状:躺着不疼...