Wednesday, February 10, 2010


hmm.... Last sunday was my last day at oldtown and Yea.. I was freaking happy

:( sigh, I feel lonely and bored today.. I mean at this moment..

dah, I think I miss back someone again.. Shit! 

haha, But don;t worry it;s just temporary.

The feeling wont come back anymore.. Is just that *fucking memories.. LOL.. W.E

So yea, These few days go out yam Cha with friends.. I get my salary and Of course, I give some of them to my parents. :) I'm a good girl.. NA na Na

hmmm... I get my experience and I prove it to my family that I can work without depending on PEOPLE.

Okay, I should proud of my self because not everyone can do that...

I found this job by my self and I really work on it.

it's not easy to stand there 8 hours without siting.

It's not easy to serve those irritating customers.

And I meet some new friends there :) and Some good customers too.. 

I get my money BY MY SELF.. And What should I said is...赚钱很难.

I get scolded But i need to keep my mouth shut.

I feel like swearing But I cant.

Your emotional must well controllable.

If not you will loss this job.. MAybe for some of you is not important but For me, I need to prove to my self and my family that I CAN WORK.

& of course I need Money!

So yea.. I get back What I give..

:) toodless Peeps!!


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 不知不觉已经来到年尾了。我想记录一下我九月发生的事情  一直以来我都很庆幸我没有进医院的记录。可是不懂你们信不信,我在今年有种感觉,好像这个记录要破了。当然只是随便想一想。可是真的在九月来了。我的脑出血导致头疼和进医院。 一开始只是头疼,可是开始呕吐和持续的头痛。症状:躺着不疼...